Little Lion Man

Little Lion Man

So here it is, Asher's first outfit post! haha I must say, I am constantly snapping pics of this little stud! I won't tell you how many thousands of pictures I have stored away..

Doesn't it look like he Is wearing a wig here though haha. I absolutely love the fro and I don't think he will ever EVER have short hair/ buzz cut, I just love it too much.  Maybe just an inch off to continue to shape it and make it orb like again, that will be nice.

Dear Future Asher,  if you are reading this- please don't ever cut your hair short or bald, I think it might actually break my heart (AND CERTAINLY YOUR DADS!!) haha... no, really.

So anyways here he is, just rocking a long sleeve lion t-shirt with some skinnies and black sneaker boots (ALL of which were on a super amazing sale!). His top is from Gymboree and they were doing 60% off the clearance so it came out to less than $5, The skinny jeans are from the Gap Factory and they were $8 and his shoes were $8 (also from the Gap)! I have another post coming up about how I get these amazing deals so you will have to stay tuned for that!

 The one accessory that you will always see him with is a stuffed animal! We have some to travel with in the car and all over the house and too many on our bed! He just loves them so much, so why not.

So there you have it, and stay tuned for many more now that Asher has his own little corner on the blog!