Davios Superlux Birthday Dinner!

Davios Superlux Birthday Dinner!

Okay let me just start by saying that I know these arent the best pictures and the quality is kinda poo! lol I know that, some are blurry cell phone pics, now lets move on. My mama's birthday is tomorrow! Planet Earth has been blessed with her presence for the past 55 years :) My sister planned the evening out. We were supposed to go to the Crab Shack originally. When we got there we found out there was a 1.5 hour wait! Who's got that kind of time! We had a movie to catch after dinner so we ended up deciding to just bail and find somewhere else to eat. We ended up at the Amarin of Thailand. Don't tell my mama, but those might have been the best (or second best) eggroll's i've ever had in my LIFE! (if you tell her I said that, I will deny it to the bitter end and tell her I was HACKED!!!). Everyone knows my mom's eggroll's are the best in town. Fun fact, she once traded a bunch of eggroll's to a friend in exchange for my dog, Henrietta! LOL yes, that is actually how I got my sweet pup, and yes that's how great my mom's eggroll's are. The eggroll's from this restaurant were a close tie though. Usually vegetarian eggroll's typically have the same ingredients (somewhat) but these were so damn good, I have been day-dreaming of them ever since. 

Anyways dinner was just great all around, we literally spent the whole time laughing because my uncle Peter is the funniest guy around. We left and finally made it to Davios Superlux. It was SO nice in there, I felt fancy just walking in haha! What a loser. Anyways, I am proud to say that I stayed awake for the entire movie!! We went to see The Accountant. I mentioned here before that I am the worst when it comes to staying awake at movies. To be quite honest, I don't know why Stephen still takes me with him haha, we go ALL the time and I take the best naps there most of the time lol. My uncle slept like 90% of the time and we caught my mom dozing off a couple times but I woke her up! My uncle was a lost cause hahaha. We ordered desserts and drinks.. and by we I mean my sister because if I had a drink I would have fallen asleep FO' SHO'.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEEEEE BEST MAMA THERE EVER WAS! Seriously, I wish more people were just like her. Me and my sister always talk about how she is literally ALWAYS right. On the off chance she's wrong... she's still right lol. She has given us the best life and I am eternally grateful. The one thing I aspire the most in motherhood is to be the best version of myself, and to always give it all that I have got. My mom has worked so hard her whole life and I think to myself "if she could do it, I can do it.". I want the same for my kids, I want to achieve all that I have ever wanted so they can think the same.

Cheers to all the greats out there. Cheers to my mom and all that she is, We are all better people for knowing her.