Oh, Canada!

Last week my hubby and I went to Canada for the weekend with Asher! We went to celebrate two birthdays, my cousin Melissa and her baby brother Dylan! I should mention that my family is FULL of birthday stealers haha. I have the same birthday as my cousin Orphee and my grandmother Alourdes, my nephew Lincoln has the same birthday as our cousin Sydney and my sister-in-law Jillian, and now Dylan has the same birthday as Melissa! New generations sure do love stealing the spotlight :p 

Melissa turned 26 and her baby brother just turned 1! It was my first time meeting him, he is just the cutest sweetest baby. He was born prematurely at 29 weeks and weighed just 3 pounds! It was a really scary time but he got through it! He is a big, beautiful, and healthy boy ( I will post pics of him in a followup post!). Anyways its just a funny thought that even though it wasn't supposed to be his birthday so soon, he still managed to be a birthday stealer! lol

These pics were taken the first night that we got there. We left at 5:30 in the morning on Thursday and it was literally perfect timing. Asher was still asleep and slept for the first 3 hours, he played quietly for about an hour, ate, and passed out again! He did so amazing for the 5 hours drive :) The first day was pretty low key, we got there at 10:30am and took a nice long family nap! We slept for about 3 hours. Stephen was the one that drove the whole time so he was still pretty sleepy so I took Asher and we went to spend time with my family. A couple of my cousins came over and brought their kids (6 kids total). It was so fun watching Asher play with them in the grass. Eventually Stephen woke up and came out to play as well. The weather was beautiful and we were surrounded by happy kiddies. It was a perfect afternoon <3