Apple Picking!

Apple Picking!

Back in the Fall we took the kiddies apple picking with one of our best friends, Nyarie! I can’t believe I am just now getting the chance to post them. It has been such a busy few months. Between the holidays, photographing events, being a working mom and oh yeah.. BEING PREGNANT, I totally let these slip lol. I actually have so many more sets of pictures that I have also neglected since the summer. I wish I was better at organizing them. I will be spending the next few weeks hibernating and trying to get them all out there!

Anyways, this trip was actually my first time apple picking! I was so happy I got to experience that with my little loves! I am always looking for fun new adventures to take the boys on, it’s hard sometimes finding things that are age appropriate. We love doing anything outdoors though, so this was perfect. As I mentioned we went with our bestie Nyarie. It was such a fun playdate for the kids. She brought her niece and nephew and we had our nephew Lincoln and of course Asher. We just let them walk around picking apples, except Asher. Stephen gave Asher one big juicy apple and he was perfectly content the entire time haha. He was just so distracted and happy, that’s one of the things I just love about this age!

This gloomy weather has me really missing our Fall adventures! Who else is ready for the warmer weather?