Start of Third Trimester

They say the second pregnancy flies by but oh. my. gosh! I almost can’t believe it, but then again I can. We are constantly on the go since we have a very active toddler and full time jobs. Asher finished the Soccer season which was every Sunday for about an hour and now we are moving on to swimming lessons! He is SO high energy so we are always trying to keep him active and he loves it.

Now that I am in the third trimester I am trying to get a few things figured out, baby registry/baby essentials, reorganizing the nursery, CPR classes, breastfeeding classes, working out/exercising/baby yoga. I’ve had a hard time in the second trimester with being overly sore and achy. I have been planning on working out so I can build up some stamina for my delivery as well as to help with all the aches and pains! I have been needing motivation because the winter has made me such a homebody! We decided to enroll Asher in swimming lessons at the local YMCA so I’m going to also start working out there since I will already be there! So that’s a nice win-win! I’ll probably workout the hour before his practice and then head to his swim class.

Stephen and I had signed up for this Baby Expo and I could NOT contain my excitement!! I love all things baby related and I am always trying to learn new things so this was exciting. When we met the nicest security guard who gave us free parking (saved $30)!  We loved to see all of the baby products and demonstrations and to try a few yummy mocktails, also free cause it was our lucky day! I guess there were supposed to be workshops and seminars about delivery methods, feeding, infant CPR and even sleep training! All very useful refreshers I'll need but unfortunately we didn’t get to those because well…. Food haha. they had such great food there. Note  to self: don’t go to an expo on an empty stomach?! Lol. We completely loved it ALL.

Anyways, it is officially Spring. I love the warmer weather, it always makes me feel so much more productive. I just love being outdoors and getting stuff done. I am going to need all of the help and motivation I can get because the last trimester is already here somehow!