Asher's Dedication

Last weekend was Asher's Dedication! There was a nice church service followed by a little reception that my sister and mom planned. We planned the Dedication about a month apart from his birthday party so we didn't want it to be too too crazy with the planning. There were a lot of events this summer so we had to work around all the plannings! I wanted the Dedication to be a small intimate setting since it was a religious ceremony and to have his birthday be the big SHABANG! haha Birthday parties are always loud, crazy and fun! 

Man oh man was it stressful trying to get everything together! No matter how big or small an event it, there are alwasy small last minute things that stress me out! . I am so just grateful it went smoothly! I am even more grateful for the amazing people I have in my life! With that said, this is a bit of an appreciation post. My sister stayed up until 1:00 am just decorating the cake with a gorgeous fondant design! She even made and decorated the chocolate covered strawberries! She had a beautiful setup waiting for us in the room we had reserved for the reception. She is literally the best party planner there is! She has been talking about Asher's birthday party for months already haha actually probably since he was 3 months old haha. I wish these pictures did it justice. She had me print out pictures of Asher with his Dedication outfit on prior so that it could be displayed on the brunch table during the reception. There were also a few quotes from the Bible that she had displayed on the table, one of which was my favorite which read "For He will order his angels to protect you, wherever you go"-Psalm 91:11.

Since I am the biggest procrastinator though, I literally didn't get the pictures until the night before... at 11pm! My family came from Canada to celebrate and so my mom decided to have a nice dinner for the family and a few of my friends. I was running errands before the dinner and taking pictures of Asher so I actually ended up running late to the dinner. When I got there my sister was pulling in at the same time and reminded me that I forgot the balloons for the reception! ( I am the worst because I also forgot to order the cake/cupcakes so my sister took care of that too... Where would I be with my sister, man!) So anyways I ordered the prints about 5 minutes before the photo center closed at Walmart! I was so stressed and then when the dinner was over my friends stayed over for a bit and we were goofing off until I ran to Walmart and got home just after midnight!

I don't even think I thanked my best friends enough. Kassie, his Godmother, seriously went ABOVE AND BEYOND these past few weeks! Every little thing we needed she was just on top of things. She bought Asher his Dedication outfit, his little socks with a cross on them and even his little shoes! She also got him the cutest gift which was a cross with his name and the date of the Dedication on the back! As if she didn't do enough! She as also texting me on a regular basis asking if I needed anything and basically staying on top of everything. Morning of his Dedication she sent me a text asking if we needed more Champagne, I mean she was just on top of it ALL. She came over a couple weeks with another bestie of mine, Nyarie, to sit and plan for the baptism and birthday party. My girl Blanca has dedicated so many Fridays to help plan for Asher's birthday party and getting the invitations together. How amazing are the people in my life? Not to mention my mom who spent WEEKS cooking for the dinner, she was a one man show cooking for everyone. For my nephew's birthday she cooked for over 100 people and it took her over a month, almost 2! She is doing the same with Asher's birthday too!

All in all, everything turned out just the way I wanted it to! My friends and family stayed after the reception to help clean up as well which was so great of them. My poor baby was sick that day though, poor thing. He threw up a few times so we ended up changing him by the end of the event. My mom's best friend Stacey bought him 5 outfits to wear after the Dedication because she didn't know what the weather would be like, how sweet?!!!!

 I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve the one I have now, but I sure am truly thankful<3